Learn the art of French bread, the classic Baguette and Epi bread as well and the fougasse bread. Making these these wonderful beautiful French breads will be a fun class.
Mothers day Day weekend Croissant Class with a modern twist, you’ll learn the classic butter croissant as well as an apple version as well, a model Apple pastry.
chicken nuggets, Mac and cheese, butter carrots; raspberry macarons French style; chicken noodle soup; danish; pizza, Etiquette training- kids participation; American pancakes, strawberry shortcake cupcakes; watermelon salad with cuties and strawberries
French onion Soup, Croquettes Monsieur (cheesy grilled sandwich; Crepes with maple syrup; potato galette; chicken tenders; French Waffles with cinnamon sugar, bean and sausage casserole, mash potatoes; creme brûlée; Quiche Loraine, Madelines, Etiquette Training